
Day 2 Challenge: Build a Fort

DAY 2 BUILD A FORTGrace's House Fort

I have wanted to find a big cardboard box to make a fort with for a while. I decided to just run out to Uhaul and buy a box. Their largest box wasn't as big as I had hoped. I have no spacial reasoning. It ended up only fitting Grace inside, but she loved it. we cut out windows and a door that opened and closed and then spent most of the day coloring and decorating the house. I didn't make it too fancy. Just taped it into a square cylander shape. This was nice because at clean up time I just folded it up and put it behind our china hutch.  Grace played peek a boo with me for a good 5 minutes!  What a blast.

Fort House
strawberry curtains on the windows!
Fort House
Peek.... A....
Fort House
Do your children build forts?  Do you get in on the action? What is your favorite type of fort to build?

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1 comment:

  1. fun! we have a cardboard box house made from a chest freezer box in our playroom upstairs, DS loves it!! I have been known to squeeze in there occasionally...


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