Better late than never. Seems to be a motto in my life because I am always a day late and a dollar short. Okay, enough with the metaphors. I wasn't too into reading and doing blog stuff last week and I missed out on a challenge posted by Hands on as we Grow and Imagination Tree. It is a challenge of 15 minutes of uninterrupted play with our kids each day.
My poor little 2 year old doesn't get too much play time with her mom. I am always runnning her around on my erronds, taking her to the gym, doing art with her, and doing the chores as she plays by herself. You see my kids are the best pretenders. Not one of them needs me by their side to have a good time. Right now Grace is under a blanket with her barbies and she is talking to them and happy as can be. Why should I spoil the fun by getting in on it?
That is where I am wrong. I am not going to spoil her fun, but just have a little fun myslef, make a few memories, and bond a bit deeper with my baby girl. So I am up for the challenge. I am a lot of days behind, but I will either catch up or just go on into December.
Here is the challenge:
- Day 1: reflection
- Day 2: fort building
- Day 3: duplo or block play
- Day 4: pretend islands
- Day 5: Play Dough Exploration
- Day 6: Family together night
- Day7: Mega Floor Art/doodles
- Day 8: Water play
- Day 9: Sensory Tub Play
- Day 10: Mixing Concoctions
- Day 11: Outside Adventure
- Day 12: Field Trip
- Day 13:
- Day 14:
- Day 15:
- Day 16:
- Day 17:
- Day 18:
- Day 19:
- Day 20:
- Day 21:
- Day 22:
- Day 23:
- Day 24:
- Day 25:
- Day 26:
- Day 27:
- Day 28:
- Day29:
- Day 30:
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