
A Little Blog Love

I pay attention to how and where people find my blog.  Not only is it interesting to me, but it is fun to see what google searches people find me through.  There are two blogs that have given me a huge amount of traffic and I wanted to show them a little love by directing my own readers over to their blogs:

My number one blog related referrer of all time is The Magic Onions.  This is a wonderfully enchanting blog about nature and childhood.  I find her blog to not only be relaxing, but in some way takes me back in time to a simpler childhood where nature is valued in every way.
The second blog related referrer is No Time For Flash Cards.  This blog is all about teaching children through discovery and play. If you have young children at home it is a great resource for teaching them in a fun way and her category list goes a mile long so you are sure to find what you need.


  1. I love how caring the blogging world is, everyone is always sharing everyone else's posts, spreading the word. It's awesome! :)

  2. Lovely of you to share the love... I'm visiting from paintontheceiling.blogspot.com :)


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