
Bingo Dot Autumn Trees

Bingo Dot Autumn Trees 
I love doing art with bingo dot markers. The other day we made some pretty trees using our hands and dot markers. They turned out perfect for the season!

First we traced our hands and arms to make the trunks and limbs of the tree.
Bingo Dot Autumn Trees 
Then we used the dots to make the leaves.  This student said, my leaves are falling to the ground!Bingo Dot Autumn Trees 
Grace was happy with an all orange tree!Bingo Dot Autumn Trees

Such a fast and easy way to make a memory and see art a bit abstractly.

Sidenote.  I always feel bad when I say I bought something at Dollar Tree.  I know a lot of my readers are actually not in the United States and have different stores and materials.  And some of you said the last time I posted about these markers that your Dollar Tree only has black ones.  I did find some markers off amazon so if you are able to buy there check it out.   I also did a little thinking and thought you could make your own dot markers  A quick search and I found that you could.  Check those out!

I often link to these blogs.


  1. So lovely! Even I won't mind doing dot art with that marker. Need to find here...!

  2. I need to check out my Dollar Treet store to see if they have these. This is a cite idea. :)

    I'm not sure when I first saw your blog... it may have been from Twitter. Then I met Miri, and we were discussing stuff she has written about on her blog, and she mentioned you were another frequent commentor like me. Anyways, I finally subscribed in my Google Reader and I'm excited to get more art project ideas for my little guy.

  3. I LOVE THESE, especially using their handprint as the tree! I saw someone make a tree kind of similar but using dot stickers. That might be an alternative for outside US also. We haven't made any fall tree art this year and seeing this makes me giddy to make something. Thanks for the great idea!

  4. My kids LOVE Bingo markers too! Cute trees! I would love for you to link up at my TGIF Linky Party ~ http://livinglifeintentionally.blogspot.com/search/label/Linkey%20Parties

  5. Good one! We love our paints that are like these. Perfect for the beginners... and often mistaken by my one-year-old as drink bottles (doesn't he taste the difference?!)

    I love the hand tree idea... might steal... Thanks! grace

  6. I love the idea of using the handprint as the tree trunk and branches. We don't have bingo colors, but I've seen others use q-tips as the leaves too, and I think we'll try that.


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